Monday, July 12, 2010

Why 90% of Distributor Fail In MLM!

Hello my beloved team member! Feel the love and embrace from your Upline here in Dubai, though I may be guilty of not calling all you as often as I can, but I hope through this, I  could help you in some ways.. I will try to be more helpful and always be there for you in the future.

We just have a fantastic evening with no less than the Diamond of the Philippines Mr. Edmund Ramos himself. The room was jam pack as expected. You can feel the excitement in the air, as we patiently hold on to our seats and wait for the gems of knowledge from one of the FLP Guru, for those who are not familiar with him especially to my kababayan. Mr. Edmund Ramos is working formerly in one of the biggest bank in the Philippines which is Metro Bank as Vice President, he was skeptical at first to join FLP because he cannot see himself selling shampoos and toothpaste to his business associates. It was his wife (see picture above) who got involved in FLP first when she is already making up to P300,000 per month as bonus checks in FLP against the salary of Mr. Edmund which is P70,000.00 which is just equivalent to her income tax in FLP, Mr. Edmund have no choice but to join his wife in this amazing business for she is no longer interested in his salary.. isn't it excellent!

Guys that is not the topic yet I'm just warming up. Okey so get ready.. open your mind and try to understand this gems of knowledge that he just impart with us. He told us to pick up his brains because the secret to his success is that "There is no Secret". It means that he shares everything and teaches everything to those who wants to be like him. As Lino Barbosa the Top Distributor of Brazil said, always emulate the best and dont settle for less.

Okey so here is the reason Why 90% of people fail in MLM/FLP.  ( Just remember to do the oppposite if you want to do be successful.)

1. No written goals-

Most of those who fail  in MLM (FLP) does not know what they want in life. They are often confused and lost. As Ms. Navaz Gharswala our Vice President for Operations- Asia said " Dont Think It. Ink it". You must a have goal and write it down to have a guide. After signing up the dotted line on the Application Form ask yourself why did you join Foreverliving , set a goal, write it down then make a  plan to make it happen. Make the habit of setting up your goal then write it down.

Example if you don't have atleast AED 200 to make a minimum purchase or AED 2 to buy brochures  you can download it here  or for a much detailed one here is the Product Manual, study it and print it then start to sell to your collegue and finish your 2cc as fast as you can, then bring back your profit to your business  atleast buy something to use for yourself to test drive the products.

Set a goal to  be a Supervisor dont aim to create 25cc for the month but aim atleast to make 50cc even if you dont reach it for sure you made more than 25cc this month, its just like aiming for the moon even if you did not reach it atleast your hit the stars. If you have a plan you know what you should do every day.

2. Always wants to sponsor Top Producers instead of learning to become one himself. 

Do not play God, give chance to everybody massively invite people, learn to become Top Producer yourself, just remember to find an eagle your have to be an eagle yourself first. Do not aim to find your eagle when infact your are just a worm wriggling your way to the FLP world in the beginning.

3. No Commitment. Lack of Action

They failed because they lack focus, and commitment. Or you maybe commited but lack of action and that will also leads to failure. Its just like when there is training if the Upline said you must attend, then attend you must irregardless of sandstorm, blistering heat, nagging wife (husband).

4. Disorganized

Some may find themselves guilty of it. They failed becauce they find themselves wasting too much time on non- income producting activities like, finding documents, cluttered desk, bags, clear files missing, contacts written on the magnetic post in front of the fridge, what are you going to do,  bring your fridge so as not to forget your contacts? Poor Time and Money Management. No diary or daily planner. For those who just join your business it is a must that they immediately have a daily planner to write down all their contacts and prospect lists as well as appointments.

5. Poor record keeping

Does not keep accurate record transactions, like monitoring their case credits.

6. His only interest is personal gains.

Does not care about the needs of the downlines and customers. Does not concern with their welfare. Do not even explain the importance of 4cc to their downlines.

7. Lack of knowledge on how to succeed and make big money in network marketing.

Doe not attend leadership trainings, or take down notes. You must learn and master your craft. Lack of knowledge will cause you to fail. Learn fast and be independent at the soonest possible time.

8. Fail to honor agreements or appointments and worst's  does not ever explain or apologize.

One way of gaining respect is to honor your word. Remember that respect must earned and not demanded, and once you loose respect you may find it hard to regain it again.

9. No Mobile Phone or email-address.

They cannot be reach easily. You need this tools for follow-up, make a habit to send SMS for update to your downlines especially about trainings.

10. Do not follow-up downlines or customers.

48 hours is the life span of the prospect excitement so therefore you must follow them up with in 48 hours. You must know that they are important to you and that you care.

11. Gives up too soon.  Usually quits with in the first 90 days.

Commit yourself to do the FLP Business atleast 1  year, give your best shot. Learn everything fast, attend trainings.

12. Easily get dillusioned by small problems and inconvinience slow them down.

To be successful you have to master your emotions. First detox your mind not with Aloe Gel but with positive thoughts, build yourself with impenetrable wall of positive beliefs to prapared yourself for discouragement. About negative people at all costs for they will full you down.

13. Bad mouthing other legitimate companies and or other fellow distributor.

Loses credibility as a positive person. If you dont have anything good to say then shut your mouth. Instead of badmouthing other fellow distributor bless everyone.

14. Not really serious about Network Marketing or FLP.

Lack excitement or passion. You must have the burning desire to succeed.

15. Lack of self-esteen or self confidence.

Use sloopy dress. Drives around in a messy unpolished car. Does not realize prospects see them as the reflection of their poor self image. One good example of dressing good is the late Ashan Tariq, he mentioned to me before when we last see each other in Dubai he said "Upline I  started the culture of wearing long sleeve and necktie in the office and you will always distinguised my group from the rest just by looking at them, they are all wearing neckties and polished shoes.."

To be happy or sad is the state of mind. If you choose to be happy it will always show on your face. Just a piece of warning when you always frown you will have a hardened muscle on your face.

16. Lazy. Want to reap the rewards of his downlines effort without working.

I think this is self explanatory.

17. Does not established a retail customer base (4CC habit)

You must develop 10 to 20 new customer every month. But don't over emphasize in selling for you only have 2 hands and most of you are doing it on a part-time basis. Try to invest 80% of your time in sponsoring or building your group.

18. Distributors, distributue poor, sloppy xerox copies of brochures or fliers.

You must always use official fliers, it will keep you safe from problems with authority. Specially in Dubai, use only official fliers when giving to prospects.

19. Poor example of  the benefits of products he represents.

Not a product of the products.

20. Does not handle customers or distributor complains professionally.

21. Does not work his business daily or constantly.

Do it part time with a full time attitude. Do not blame other people for your failure. Do massive action to get massive results. Massive action in using the products, in inviting people, and in sharing the products.

22. Resentful or unhappy of Uplines earnings.

They stop producing or doing the business to prevent Uplines from recieving bonuses on his production. They have a self defeated crab mentality. Just put in mind that everyone is being paid by Mr. Rex Maughan. The earning of your Upline does not come from your own pocket.

You must be happy with the success of your Upline or the success of other distributor,

23. Blames the company, the products, the compensation, lack support of Uplines, other than themselves for their failure.

Does not take responsibility. If your Upline is not there and doesn't support you,do not dwell on it. If he is not there its your time to shine and thank him still for introducing you this amazing business opportunity. If he supports you then that is a bonus.

Learn fast and be independent at the soonest possible time. Dont expect your Upline to be with you all the time. And while your Upline is available, take advantage and learn fast  from him, know your responsibility.

24. Too impatient. Wants to make big money in a short possible time without putting in necessary effort.

Remember this is not get rich quick scheme.

25. Hangs around with negative people instead of learning from the the Top Earner.

Remember birds of the same feather, flocks together. Beware of negative people for they will steal away your dreams. You must be with successful people and ask what is their secrets. But filter the things you hear, only retain what is positive and discard the rest.

26. Unrealistic expectations for the little efforts he puts in.

27. Does not pass important necessary informations to downline promptly.

28. Complaints to much and acts like an immature crybaby. A non-producer.

29. Keep switching from one networking company to another, without achieving some amount of success. An MLM junkie.

Focus on one company and give your best shot. In FLP if you got involve with other MLM Company while doing Foreverliving that maybe ground for termination.

30. Get involved in chain letters, illegal pyramid adn other get rich quick schemes.

31. Depends on Uplines to sponsor for him, instead of doing his own effort wants something for nothing. Unwilling to pay the price.

32. Finally always finding reason to fail and not to succeed.

Just believe in yourself that every one is destined to be a millionaire.You must capture the big picture. According to Paul Zane Pilzer his new prediction is from 2010 - 2016  ten million new millionaires will be created in wellness businesss, the question is are you one of them???

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