Thursday, July 15, 2010

Essential Elements of Aloe Vera and Their Basic Properties

Cleansing Properties:

1. Saponins- Natural chemical in the plants that make it a natural emulsifier (makes possible the mixture of liquid and fats). They detoxify the fatty deposits inside our body. The word “Sapo” means soap in Latin.

2. Lignins- Polysaccharides which make/give Aloe Vera its deep penetrating action.

3. Polysaccharides - Division of Polysaccharides

(a) Starches- digestible (such as you get from flour, rice banana) energy givers also.
(b) Cellulose- non-digestible (fibers, pulp bits)

Nutritional Properties:

1. Vitamins- These are carbon-containing substances, which are required for normal metabolism but are not synthesized by the body and must be abstained from outside sources except Vitamins D and B12 which are synthesized by bacterial flora in the intestinal walls. Vitamins help in the organs and the systems carry out their functions. A, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C, E, folic acid. Aloe Vera Gel is good for vegetarian people because of B12 content that you normally get from eating seafood, dairy products, and red meat.

2. Minerals- Calcium, Chromium, Copper, Iodine, Iron, Potassium, Zinc, Magnesium, Manganese, Aluminum, Chloride, Sodium, Cobalt. These are non-organic elements, which are required for the satisfaction of metabolic needs especially during growth, stress, trauma, and blood loss and in some diseases. They help create the environment where vitamins are able to do those jobs. Both are necessary and one cannot function without the other.

3. Amino Acids- These are organic compounds, which are the building blocks of proteins. They play an essential role in animal metabolisms, including humans. A change in position of even one amino acid causes the protein to be non-functional. This gives a bitter taste. Our body needs 20 amino acids, 8 are essential and 12 are secondary. Aloe Barbadensis Miller has 8 essential amino acids, 7 of which are directly linked to cell growth and 11 of the 14-16 secondary essential ones.

4. Monosaccharide- These are simple sugars, which are excellent sources of energy such as honey and glucose

Therapeutic Properties:

1. Enzymes- These are protein molecules, which serve to accelerate or catalysts the chemical reactions of living cells. Without enzymes most biochemical reactions would proceed too slowly to effectively carry on life’s processes.

2. Anthraquinone complex- this gives the Aloe Barbadensis Miller the following actions:

a) Analgesic
b) Antipyretic
c) Anti-inflammatory
d) Anti-Allergic
e) Anti-pruritic
f) Anti-parasitic
g) Anti-spasmodic
h) Antibiotic
i) Anti-microbial-has been proven to stop the destructive action of many bacteria.
j) Anti-viral- fights viruses when used in greater than 75% concentrate and applied directly of the virus.
k) Anti-fungal-acts as fungicidal when applied directly to the fungus

3. Mannose- A simple sugar used in cancer treatment because simple sugars are used in cell to cell communication. It also performs the tagging function.

4. Mucopolysaccharides- Sugars, which are source of energy and are important in the prevention of keloid formation and hemorrhoids.

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