Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Visit Malaysia for Free!

Greetings to all my downlines in the Middle East. Today we just have our meetings. It was conducted by one of the pioneer in FLP Dubai Mr. Gilbert Datu he is also one of the President Club Member. Everybody was  anticipating of what are we going to talk about in the meeting. We started at 8pm and finish at 10Pm. Guys after the meeting everybody was so excited and even more crazy about FLP, wala na talagang tulugan! 

First we started to talk about the Profit Sharing. Our CC production was less last month compare to the production of April 2010, its due to the fact the our two great Leaders passed away (Lowell and Ashan R.I.P.) there is a very big Leadership vaccum in KSA and I urged everbody to step up and continue the legacy this two great leaders left behind. The FLP Middle East cc last month was 4,050 of which KSA made around 1,450cc Dubai made around 1600cc the rest is devided among Qatar and Kuwait and Abu Dhabi.

Next month is Ramadan, it always follows that during this time the sale will even more dipped because distributor tends be inactive during this holy month. But we will make a history we will raise the bar and create a new record, lets make this August the most explosive month of all times. Why? Its because August is the start of the Malaysian Rally Contest. Lets raise the bar and commit ourselves to reach not 5000cc but 10000cc for FLP Middle East.

The 1 million dollar question is " How are we going to do it?"  Okey here we go. Im very much sure that if you read this blog up to now you are very much interested to know how to qualify for the Free Tour to Malaysia good news is if you are married and you qualify your better half will go with you for FREE.

First ask yourself how many downlines you will bring with you in the Asian Rally. Be honest with yourself, if you decided to go alone, then for sure you will work for 95cc. But lets say if you commit to bring 10 people among your downlines from Supervisor and up that is 950cc in 4 months starting this August up to November 2010. Okey how many Manager downline do you have or how many Managers you want to create with in this 4 month period? If 10 Managers commit to bring 10 people each on the Rally that will be 9500cc devided by 4 month that will be 2,375cc per month on our group alone for example, now do you see where it will leads to.... we will hit The Profit Sharing Qualifying month!

Okey here is the Plan? Guys we must have a plan and Im counting on you to put this writing into action.

Tools needed to dig up the ground so to speak.

1. Drum up your Trainings. (there must be a consistent trainings in the office)
    Business Presentation
    Product Demonstration
    New Distribution Orientation
    I say we need this because we will bring more new blood in the business so to sustain our activities we must have the support of those trainings. Supervisor to Manager should step up and learn to conduct trainings as fast as you can.

2.  Triple your effort in Recruiting and Sponsoring . (Do goal setting with your group, how many AS you would like to create per week. Monitor your groups as well as your CC)

3. Home Parties - (Triple it those who dont know how to conduct Home Parties let me know I will email you the details or better watch my next blog I will post it here).

4. Goal Setting. (This is very important you and your group should have a goal map. Write down you goal for the day, week, month, then execute it).

5. Sizzle. ( Okey you may not be familiar with it, it may be synonimous to a sizzling steak, it only become appetizing if you see your steak serve on you from the kitchen to your table while it sizzle..hence its called Sizzing Steak.) How do you do Sizzle, in your group collaborate with other leader and designate a date maybe right after the OPP, invite successful leaders or distributors to share their momentous success so that the new ones who just came will be motivated to join immediately, stories should be amazing enough that newbies would not know what hit them, baliwan sa tagalog.

6. Technique sharing. ( Lets just work as a family or as a Team. Share your proven system irregardless if, they are from other group. Its just like united we stand devided we fall.)

7. Learn to Earn. ( When your downlines earn more then only you will earn more. So guys your success is my success. I have to make you successful for me to become successful. Lets all work hard and strive to live our dreams, so that as expats here in Middle East we can go back to our native land fulfilled and financially independent. Power!)

Watch the Power Clap of FLP Vietnam

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