Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A Systematic Way to Conduct Home Party

Greetings to all my downlines there in KSA, as I promised today I’m going to teach you about Home Parties. As we are going to rock and change the history of FLP this August, we must prepare ourselves before going to the battle. We have to train our mental muscle to toughen our skin for numerous rejections and failure for that is the first step to success. We can minimize casualties if we have the knowledge, and that what I’m going to impart with you today.

This knowledge is not from me, I just copy it from successful Leaders who already did and still doing it, for in FLP we are known as copy cats, but only copied successful people, and learn from the best.

I’m laying down our system for Home Parties so that everybody will follow its just like even though for example Jim is doing his own Home Party, his other downline say Allan is doing the same thing in different places at the same time, that is the power of leveraging. It can be compared to McDonalds, if you notice the place where they cook french fries its always at the same place regardless if you buy from any of their outlet in any part of the globe, that is what you called system.

Now here we go. I suggest that you copy and paste this tips and print it out then distribute it to all your downlines so that everybody will benefit from this.

Top 10 Reasons why doing Home Parties is the best and the fastest way for you to climb the ladder of promotion in our Marketing Plan.

1. It will increase and solidify your belief in the business.
2. You can earn immediate cash.
3. You can find Retail Customers in Home Party.
4. You can find Smart Buyer meaning Downline User.
5. Can make you qualify to become AS fast.
6. Spin off launches meaning you can book another Home Party in that time after doing it.
7. Create Case Credits
8. Create Immediate Activity
9. Training Ground for your new AS

After the home shopping that’s what they call it in Germany, if there is a flood of orders, it will jumpstart and motivate your newbies for instant money is the great I called it Activator not motivator.

Example last month there was an instances where me and my New Distributor did a Home Party at her villa, she has the money to buy the Combo Pack she is an Indian Lady but is still skeptical about the business. She wants to make sure if this business really works so she challenge me, that if I will be able to make a sale in that Home Party she will join immediately. Of course as a Batanguenia, it always makes us boils inside if somebody is challenging us plus my belief in our products and in myself is incomparable so I accept the challenge. That night, as I scan the audience I did not start with introducing the combo pack or the Aloe Gels, I immediately tackle the problem for everybody in the audience are mature ladies with very bad skin so immediately I open my Aloe Fleur de Juvence and give free facials to all the five ladies who are present that night, it was fun and hilarious because everybody still have mask in their faces I haven’t finish my explanation yet everybody is already giving their product order. So in the end my New Downline was so excited we did 2cc that night or more than AED 1000 in retail sales.

Preparing for the Home Party

1. Train yourself first –before doing or conducting Home Party yourself, you must be well verse with our products, or at least an avid user of our products so that you have the confidence to talk about it if you cannot do it, ask the help of your Upline, and while he is doing it at the appointed time, your job is to observe and learn. It maybe okay for first up to third time, but on the fourth Home Party you should be confident enough to do it on your own.
2. Set the date
3. Give the invitation ( see end below.)
4. How many did you invite or your downline invited for that day, get the guest lists and information number and call to confirm their attendance within 48 hours from the appointed time.

Preparations on the event

1. Dress appropriately, not necessary Armani suit, or Dolce but at least for a guy wear long sleeve and neck tie, try to imagine Ahsan what he looks like always during presentation, he is one of my downline who is the epitome of professionalism and class. For the ladies you know the works no need to explain.

Be early, come before your guests arrive so that, you may welcome them with your firm hand shake, of course the job of your downline if you are the one conducting the demo is to introduce you to everyone in the room. Set up the place make sure that TV, disk player is working, or at least bring your laptop, to play videos, such as Wellness Business Videos, Plant to Product, 25 years of FLP, or some world Rally clips from YouTube.

2. Set up your display if you are doing it on the living room (sala) set-up your Combo Pack, or Sonya Coulour Collection and the Skin Care if all the attendees are ladies. Make sure you have the following for demo purposes.
a) Aloe Vera Gel for Demo
b) Clear glass (2) and stirrer
c) Betadine
d) Styrofoam cups for Arctic-Sea Demo
e) Sometimes I do bring flask or Thermos for hot water so as not to ask for hot water when you need it for Arctic- Sea Demo
f) Arctic-Sea, Absorbent-C, Honey and Herbal Tea, FLND to taste (you can serve our tea, and FLND for beverages, not soft drink or Lipton tea, since we are not selling that)
g) If you are doing make-up and skin care demo, make sure you do bring cotton ball, cotton buds, sponge, wet wipes tissue, head band, towels, end paper for facial.
h) This is the most important; don’t forget to bring DAF (Distributor Application Form), Brochures, Manuals, testimonials pictures, leaflets, CD, your business card.

During the Product Launch

1. Begin on time
2. Lay out the agenda-explain why we are there - business / products
3. How long does the business/ product Launch take?
4. Tell your story, then do the demo
5. Host tells their story also and why they join the business.
6. Encourage interaction
7. Host makes notes
8. Host deals with late arrivals - should sit by door
9. No interruptions, (Drinks etc.)

If you are doing the Business Launch here is what to do.

1. Show Rolf Kipp or Kim Madsen Video, or anyone that is successful in FLP and already earning millions, we have to show the big picture. You can download it in YouTube. (10 minutes video)
2. Go through your info - get their attention, get to point!
3. Talk about the products at least the big 3? (Aloe Gel, Arctic Sea, Absorbent C)
4. Explain how they can save 30%-Show the Application Form (DAF)
5. Pass some products around to test
6. Put topical & daily care products on coffee table - (Playtime!)
7. Have lots of spoons for honey & glasses for aloe drinks - (Tasting time!)
8. Mingle, offer help, have some Application Forms ready
9. Ask for the order, point to Dist/order/price & Application Form – have a pile on table
10. Book two spin offs, 1 nutrition + 1 beauty/sonya
11. You can suggest 2 or 3 people club together
12. Build leaders / Assistant Supervisors
13. Book fast start training- assume interest
14. Decide venue – center or house
15. Everybody leaves with Video or DVD Rom & career brochure
16. Leave at 10.00pm (case to case basis)
17. You follow up with those people you hand over the videos / CD’s before fast start training

Okay that’s all folks, hope it will help you in building your career in FLP. Power! I love you all.

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