Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Beauty Tips from a Korean Makeup Artist!

Anyway, I couldn’t find out more Korean beauty tips but I’ve just come across some interesting ones from Laneige’s International Trainer, Jin Lee at Many have envied the flawless and translucent skin of Korean women, here are a couple of the beauty tips she shared.

So these aren't beauty tips from just any Korean woman, it's from a skin care and make-up expert. She reveals how women in Korea take care of their skin. One excellent tip i learned was how to interpret the sun protection information on skin care and makeup labels.

Let's get on to find out what she divulged shall we?

Your God given hands is a magical massage tool.

The palms of your hands will cover your eyes perfectly. When your eyes are tired or stressed, just press the palms of your hands to your eye sockets, applying gentle pressure. That itself is a great massage for your eye area. Go ahead, try it!

Use outward & upwards strokes when washing your face.

When washing your face, do not use vertical up-down strokes which will loosen your facial muscles and promote skin sag. Use outward and upward strokes instead. According to Jin Lee, this small change will make a huge difference.

Korean women are really serious about skin care. Good glowing skin does not come by being lazy.

Prevent premature aging

You start aging at 18! It’s never too early to use anti-aging products and taking extra precautions under the sun – which is the number one cause for premature aging, is vital. Never go out under the hot sun without protection. Nowadays, sun protection is included in makeup try Forever Living Cream to Founder Foundation.

Sun Protection explained

UV A and UV B

There are two types of UV rays which we need to protect ourselves from. UV B has a shorter wave length and causes burning (generates melanin which causes you to get darker & freckles to pop up).

UV A has a longer wave length and penetrates deep within the skin’s collagen and elastin layer and causes aging and fine lines.

When selecting products, here’s how to interpret the sun protection information:

SPF – sun protection factor against UV B

SPF 22 means you get to spend 22 times longer under the sun (than which you would without protection from UV B) before you start burning. Example: If you have fair skin and it takes you 20 minutes in the hot sun to get a sun burn. With SPF 22, you get to spend 440 minutes (22 x 20) in the sun before you start burning. Forever Living Products Sunscreen has SPF 30 so you stay longer under the sun with sure sun protection.

PA - protects against UV A

PA+ minimum UV A protection

PA++ average UV A protection

PA+++ very high UV A protection

Use whitening products & lots of it!

I used to think that whitening products are for those with fair skin who want to become even fairer! Like Snow White. Women in Korea use whitening products to combat skin pigmentation problems due to hormone imbalance especially during pregnancy. Pigmentation is prone to appear below the eyes, on the upper cheeks. To avoid developing huge freckle like marks on your face during pregnancy, use lots of whitening products.

Detailed Makeup Steps

Korean women apply 17 – 18 products every morning before stepping out of the house! Wow that is something for women who have a lot of time in their hands or you had to wake up as early as 5am to be on time for work. Are you a Korean woman? Do you do this? Anyway, here is the make-up routine of a typical Korean woman who wants to portray having a flawless complexion. There are eleven steps!

1.Preparation: Primer + make-up base (corrects your skin tone)
3.Conceal imperfection (concealer)
4.Setting: Set and fix foundation with powder or pact (The pact is now the Korean woman’s favourite touch-up item)
5.Highlighting: Enhance vitality with make-up Brightener
6.Eye brow
7.Eye shadow

Okay, there you have it!

Eat Some Good Fats.

Essential fatty acids are simply fats your body cannot live without. They are needed to make cell membranes, hormones, and other body chemicals. Essential fats are thought to keep your heart healthy, fight inflammation, and possibly prevent cancer. They are also particularly important to people with inflammatory conditions such as eczema and acne, and also for people with dry skin. People with essential fat deficiency sometimes notice bumps on the backs of their arms. Here are my suggestions on getting more essential fats:

•Flaxseed and walnut oil - Use flaxseed oil or walnut oil with balsamic vinegar as a salad dressing. Be sure to keep these oils refrigerated. They should not be heated or used for cooking.

•Cold water fish - Sardines are a good source of essential fats. Salmon is another good source, however these salmon accumulate toxic polychlorinated biphenyls (otherwise known as PCBs) in their body fat during the 95 percent of their lives they spend at sea.

•Supplements - Consider fish oil supplements one excellent fish oil supplements I can recommend is Forever Arctic Sea Fish Oil. Forever Living Products has formulated a superior nutritional supplement to take advantage of the latest research into this important area of nutrition. By combining Omega-3 with Omega-9 fatty acids, it provides a safe, balanced, mercury free supplement that can favorably support healthy blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Forever Arctic-Sea is a breakthrough in terms of a balance supplement, using both vegetable and mercury-free pharmaceutical-grade fish oils to derive the benefit of each.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Rev Up Your Digestion

In alternative medicine, good skin is a reflection of a good digestive system. People with skin disorders such as acne, rosacea, and psoriasis often suffer from constipation, imbalanced "good" vs. "bad" bacteria, leaky gut, and other digestive conditions. The two most common sluggish digestion culprits are:

Culprit #1: Not Enough Water.
Water bathes cells and eliminates waste products, preventing constipation.

Culprit #2: Not Enough Fiber
Most people lack fiber in their diets - the average person eats only 12 g of fiber a day. In 2002, the National Academy of Sciences Food and Nutrition Board established recommended fiber intakes. For men aged 19-50 years, 38 g fiber is recommended, and for men over 50, 31 g fiber is recommended. For women aged 19 to 50 years, 25 g fiber is recommended, and for women over 50, 21 g fiber is recommended.

Some suggestions:

1. Add Whole Grains - Choose whole grain products over refined. Have brown rice instead of white or make your own 50:50 combinations.

2. An Apple a Day - Have an apple, skin on, as a snack.

3. Eat Cauliflower

4. High-fiber snacks - Snack on nuts, seeds, and dried fruit, such as dates, figs, and prunes.

5. Try a "Prune Power" Smoothie - Prunes are a great source of fiber. Start your day with this tasty Prune Power smoothie.

6. Eat Beans and Legumes - Open a can of your favorite beans or legumes. Rinse them well and add them to your meal.

7. Ground Flaxseeds - For any easy fiber boost, sprinkle ground flaxseeds (available at health food stores) on rice, salads, oatmeal, or any other meal. Store flaxseeds in the fridge.

8. Another alternative is to drink Aloe Vera Gel which are rich fibers complete with vitamin and minerals plus, enzymes and 200 compounds which are beneficial in maintaining a healthy digestive system.

Hair today gone tomorrow!

With Natural 100% Aloe Vera Based

Forever Aloe Jojoba Hair shampoo not only curb excessive hair loss by reducing seborrhea but they can also renew the follicular cycle, helping the scalp return to a physiological balance. Aloe Jojoba hair shampoo activates fresh growth and stimulate the growth of existing hair.

Forever Living formulates hair shampoo that contains 100% Aloe Vera in it, that makes it apt to be used by anyone & everyone. The shampoo removes the problems of unmanageable, dull and split hair and makes them truly manageable and bouncy. Aloe vera extract penetrates into your hair and moisturizes it. Jojoba oil helps to revitalizes damage hair, conditioners and make it beautiful.

Directions for use: Apply on wet hair and distribute evenly. Massage gently into a lather and scalp. Leave for 2-3 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water thoroughly. Repeat if required. It is best to use with our Forever Aloe Conditioning Rinse.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Get rid of your dead skin cells the natural way...

Get rid of dead skin cells by exfoliating your skin. The result will be healthier looking skin.

1. Brush skin before getting into shower.
2. To start your body exfoliating process get in the shower and wet your body.
3. Apply Aloe Bath Gelee exfoliating scrub to loofah, sponge, body brush or bare hands.
4. Scrub all over with gentle circular motions. Be careful if you are too harsh skin might become irritated.
5. Once you are finished scrubbing rinsed off or finish bathing as usual.
6. Damp dry and apply a skin moisturizing lotion or some type of body oil.

Aloe Bath Gelee 8.5fl. oz Dhs 61.00

This gentle, moisturizing bath and shower gel, rich in pure aloe vera gel, will sooth away your cares. Used with our loofah mitt, it helps remove dead skin cells, revealing smooth, clean ckin.

10 Minutes to look good and feel great...

You’re running late – you’ve overslept or perhaps have been sidetracked with an unexpected chore. On days like these, when you want to look and feel ‘presentable’ yet don’t have much time, see how just a few of Forever’s products can you help you still feel beautiful!

No matter how late you are, you should always take the time to clean and tone with Exfoliating Cleanse (#043) and Rehydrating Toner (#042). If you still have remnants to makeup from the previous day, then cleanse around the eye area with Sonya Aloe Eye Makeup Remover (#186). Next gently massage in some Firming Foundation Lotion (#044). Now that your skin has been “prepped,” it will look and feel both fresh & clean. Click here to see for detailed products information.

The Sonya Colour Concealer Wheel (#184) is ideal and quickly concealing imperfections and making your skin look and feel near perfect. Add a little concealer that matches your skin tone (light or medium beige) to the area near the inside corners of the eyes. If you have any puffiness, avoid that area and just pat the concealer into any dark circles under the eyes, using a little of the yellow mixed with either light or medium beige. Dab a bit around the corners of the mouth ( light or medium beige) and the sides of the nostrils, which can tend to be a little red (yellow or green neutralizes redness). And don’t forget to conceal any blemishes!

For your eyes, cheeks and lips, choose any one of the versatile Sonya Palettes as your complete beauty kit. Each Palette includes almost everything you need to enhance your look: translucent powder, blush, eye shadows, lipsticks, eye pencil, lip pencil and mascara or brow fix. And for just a spot of colour and shine, don’t forget to apply your favorite Sonya Lip Gloss for a fresh, updated, summery look.

Now that your makeup is complete, you can turn your focus to your hair. If you have long hair, apply a drop of Forever Aloe Styling Gel (#194) and brush your hair back and gather it with a pretty clip or barrette. Easily style short hair with the Gel as well. Now, take a look in the mirror and you’ll see that you’ve done it. With just these few great products, you are out of the door with confidence and a smile – and perhaps even time to spare!

For Free Lesson on Basic Make-Up Application call 0506781364 (Dubai)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Highest Quality Skin Protection Available Now!

We all understand these days that the sun can harm us. Sun burn increases the risk of skin cancer significantly. Malignant Melanomas account for just under 10% of cancers in the 20 - 39 age group!

Thanks to Forever Aloe Sunscreen Lotion with Aloe, it's never been easier to enjoy the outdoors while taking good care of yourself and your loved ones at the same time! Aloe Sunscreen helps protect your skin against sunburn and the harmful effects of the sun's UVA/UVB rays with a unique and effective SPF 30 sunblock, specially formulated with 100% stabilized Aloe Vera Gel. The Aloe Vera gel helps to minimize the drying effects of sun exposure and 'wind burn'

You'll appreciate this gentle yet potent water-proof formulation that even retains its sun protection factor after 40 minutes of activity in the water! Remember that there is no such thing as a "healthy" tan, a tan indicates that your skin is already damaged! Look at Forever Sunless Tanning Lotion as an alternative way to get that "bronzed" look without toasting your skin.

Apply liberally to all exposed areas about 15-30 minutes before going into the sun. Remember that periodic re-application will be needed. Avoid exposing your skin unnecessarily to strong sun.

For Product Order and Delivery (UAE)
Call Merli Villamor +971 50 6781364
Independent Distributor ID No. 971 000001253

Refresh your skin with Forever Aloe Scrub!

Give your skin a refreshing, new look and feel with Forever Aloe Scrub, one that is so badly deserves!

Out with the old and in with the new. “More than skin deep”. With its unique combination of stabilized aloe vera gel, and solid microspheres made from pure Jojoba Oil, this effective skin cleanser, is gentle enough for everyday used and strong enough to clear away the debris that accumulates in the delicate pores of the skin. In combination, these two natural ingredients will clear the way for your skin’s own unique renewal process, while helping to protect it from the drying and damaging effects of synthetic cleansers.

Forever Aloe Scrub gently scrubs away dead skin cells and debris that clog pores and dull the skin’s appearance, to begin revealing radiant, “new”, healthier skin. This natural exfoliator for the face and body is gentle enough for everyday use!

For product order call Merli Villamor +971 50 678164.
Independent Distributor ID No. 971 000 001253


Monday, August 2, 2010

Freedom From Fear....


Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves,
Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.

There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.

~By Marianne Williamson from A Return To Love

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Hair Today...... Gone Tomorrow

Hair loss

Hair loss is a very common aesthetic issue in our society, as it is a big part of personal appearance. Shedding 50 to 100 hairs a day is considered normal. Anything beyond that is considered hair loss.

Abnormal hair loss can be due to many different causes, which include the use of inappropriate hair care products, stress, malnutrition, and hormonal issues.


Dandruff is commonly misperceived as occurring due to lack of personal hygiene. The fact is the scorching heat of the sunny weather in Middle East contributes to the occurrence of dandruff. The main culprit for most dandruff is yeast from Malassezia family. They stay on the scalp, surviving on the oil secreted by glands. They usually do not affect any body function, but if the yeast multiplies and thrives, their acidic metabolic, waste will accumulate and irritate the scalp. The scalp gets inflamed and skin tissue starts to peel off.

Nutrients for the hair

Proteins are the building block of hair shafts and contribute to hair growth. A sufficient intake of protein in the form of combination of all the needed amino acids is highly recommended. Hair growth involves rapid division of cells, and this requires efficient energy production, which B group vitamins are more helpful for. For hair to be healthy and appear lively and shiny, mineral such as zinc, iodine, magnesium, and selenium are essential.

Forever supplement that are helpful for healthy hair growth are Forever Lite (FLND), Forever Ultra, Bee Pollen, Forever Nature-Min.

Aloe Vera shampoo and conditioner for the hair

Forever Aloe Jojoba Shampoo is a mild cleansing shampoo. Its special formulation incorporates FLP’s 100% Stabilized Aloe Vera (not water) as its first and major ingredient.

• Aloe Enzyme helps to breakdown keratin cells, and saponins create bubbles for a thorough cleansing.
• Aloe amino acid helps to strengthen the hair structure.
• Aloe’s anthraquinone complex has anti-microbial properties that can help to suppress growth of the Malassezia yeast.

Jojoba oil is added in the formulation to moisture and strengthens the hair shaft. This makes Forever Living Product Aloe Vera Shampoo a premium shampoo that is highly concentrated, pH balanced, deep cleansing and moisturizing. And it’s suitable for all types of hair.

Forever Aloe Jojoba Conditioning Rinse is specially formulated to reduce static charge on the hair and create a smooth and nice coating on the hair surface. The conditioning rinse is pH balanced, and mild. Using it after Forever Jojoba Shampoo, it helps to strengthen the hair structure and reduce split ends.

Other products that I could recommend for you to try is the Aloe Activator, it is an extract from Aloe Vera leaves, which are good to use as a tonic for the scalp. Aloe Vera Gelly a gel extract in a tube to apply in your scalp overnight. Aloe First, you can use it as a hair spray to protect your hair from the sun, and to avoid split ends.

Hair Growth Kit (Kalbo Kit)


1. Apply Aloe Vera Gelly at night on the scalp massage it for at least 10 to 15 minutes

2. In the morning wash the hair with Forever Aloe Jojoba Shampoo, massage it on the scalp for 5 to 10 minutes, leave it on for some time then rinse it with lukewarm water. Apply Aloe Conditioning Rinse, then rinse again.

3. Towels dry the hair, and then apply Aloe Activator either with cotton or direct on the scalp as hair tonic and comb the hair.

4. Take, Forever Nature-Min 6 tablets daily (2-2-2) after meal, Bee Pollen 3x a day and FLND shakes once daily.

Please note that this product is not sold in stores for UAE you can contact me at +971 050 6781364  for free information and product demo or home delivery. Outside UAE visit for our online store. Merlita Villamor ID No. is 971000001253.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Dubai, Abu Dhabi Business Opportunity with Forever Living Products

Home based business opportunity!! We are currently looking for enthusiastic people with positive attitude to join our team. You don't do anything alone until you learn the steps. No experience needed, you will be trained. You can also attend our trainings in Dubai and Abu Dhabi and we also have webinars online monthly so you can learn from your home. This is not a "get rich fast" opportunity. You can start your Forever Living home based business part time, work 2-4 hours a day.

Let me tell you why I think Forever Living is the best opportunity in the world.

1. Unique high quality products that is patented and exclusive to Forever Living. Wellness and beauty products that are really in demand today. Preventative health care products.

2. Distributor bonus paid on the retail value. Giving a much higher earning capacity. Even though you only pay wholesale prices for your products, a quality company will still pay your bonuses on the Retail price of the product.

3. No Pass-ups, you should look for a marketing plan that rewards you for your efforts. When someone you sponsored excels in sales, you will be rewarded and not passed up.

4. No Demotions

A distributor should not be demoted due to inactivity of sales. Once you have been promoted to a certain level, you should remain at that level for life.

3. International Presence

True Multinational Business Opportunities over 146 countries.

4. Luxury Car Program. Drive a Mercedes, BMW or a car of your choice.

5. Free Exotic Travel. Many distributors have been to countries and places they only used to dream about FREE.

6. Proven Company. One you build a long term business partnership with. Not a here today gone tomorrow type MLM.

7. $2.5 Billion US Dollar turnover. Asset rich, debt free and privately owned.

8. Charismatic Leaders. Industry Icon Dr. Rex Maughan. A man who has received many industry awards and is the most experienced and knowledgeable leader in MLM today.

9. A business for everybody. A business which was created many millionaires.

10. A no risk MLM with no fees and a 30 day money back guarantee.

11. Unequalled company support with a personal touch.

12. Approachable American Directors with many years’ experience.

13. We don't have auto ship orders when you register, no membership fee, no registration fee, no hidden fees. Minimum order is AED 200, excludes shipping and tax. (Additional Home Delivery Charges of AED 54.00)

Join Forever Living Proudcts

Why don't you register / sign up / join today?
You are still not sure?
These are just some of the fantastic features of Forever Living.
Why on earth would you look at anything else?

Choose me as your Forever Living Products sponsor because:

1. I am an active distributor. I'm sponsoring new people in a daily basis.

2. I live in Dubai, my sponsors live in Dubai too. So there are teams that will help you to be successful (not just me).

3. Your success is our success.

5. I've been using the products as a daily basis with my whole family as well.

6. You can call me anytime if you have any question, even if it is around 7 am or 12pm. I don't care, I am available most of the time!

7. I'm working part time at the moment but receiving earnings like other people make having a full time job.

8. We have trainings, webinars and a lots of knowledge to pass it on.

And I could go on and on!

If you have decided to join/register/sign up as a forever living distributor to my team please email me at or call  +97150 6781364.

Dubai Product Training Schedule for August 2010

August 2, 2010 (Mon) - 8:00 PM Combo Pack Training by Josephine Cava

August 3, 2010 (Tuesday) – 7:30 PM Make- Up Training ( Sonya Pallete) by Juvy Soriano and Shasha

August 4, 2010 (Wednesday) – 8:00 PM Clean-9 Training By James

August 5, 2010 (Thursday) Sonya Skin Care Work Shop By Merli Villamor (bring your own kit)

August 6, 2010 (Friday) 8:00 PM My First Combo Pack by Jelly Lopez

August 7, 2010 (Saturday) 8:00 PM Combo Pack Training by Julius Reyes

Friday, July 30, 2010

The Business Launch Route to Diamonds...

Kathrine Bajri-Double Daimond Manager Germany

A.B.C. Plan

Who Would You Sponsor?

• Somebody who is happy to build through business launches
• Somebody who wants to do it “NOW”.
• That is going to be your “A”

Day Seven

• Organize a Business Launch/ Home Shopping/ Party on the 7th Day
• At least invite 10 to 15 prospects including 1 or 2 prospects for business

First Business Launch/ Home Party (See my other post on how to conduct Home Party)

Some will be your Retail Customer
• Sponsor “ Smart Consumer”
• Possibly sponsor “ On Track Distributor” ( meaning those who wants to start with minimum of AED 200 but no means to buy the Combo Pack yet )
• Sponsor your Gem Distributor “B” ( the one who wants to book a Home Party next on his house)

Day Fourteen (Next Seven Days)
You do a Business Launch Home Party with “B”
• Your “A” is also present with a prospect. Its leap frogging to maximize your time since most of us are part-time networker.
• In this Home Party your “B” will get some Retail Customer , some Smart Consumer, and possibly and On Track Distributor, or Fast Track ( who buys the Combo Pack)
• This “B” will also sponsor Gem Distributor “C”

Day 21 (another 7 days)

You do Business Launch/ Home Party for “C”.
“A” and “B” is present also with their prospects
“C” will get some Retail Customers, Smart Consumer, a possibly on Track Distributor, or a Fast Track Distributor
“C” will also sponsor a Gem Distributor “D”

What Have You Done?

You have helped taught your “A” how to do Business Launch/ Home Party three times.
“B” and “C” saw the support before they joined ,
• You have guaranteed “A” , “B” “C”

This system is authored and executed by Kathrin Bajri who become Germany Double Diamond in TWO YEARS by doing this system, has an average income of $100,000 every month (guys multiply that in Philippines Peso, yikees calculator got karban too many zeros), so this system is proven and tested all we have to do is copy and duplicate it there is no need to reinvent the wheel.

Okay, I wish you all health and wealth and happiness. I love you all.Power!!

Top FLP Networker Training Lists

Top FLP Networker Training

This training is an absolute must for any distributor, new and established, who are serious about their business. You can download most of them from learn and master each of them.

This training will cover:
1. Business Planner
2. First 30 Days
  • Knowing Your Why?
  • Who Do you Know list?
  • Answering question and handling objections
3. Marketing Plan
4. Company Policy
5. 1:1 Presentation
6. Importance of 4cc
7. Fast Start and Home Training
8. Planning (How to Achieve Your Goals in FLP)
9. Combo Pack Training
10. Aloe Talk
11. FLP Product Manual

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A Systematic Way to Conduct Home Party

Greetings to all my downlines there in KSA, as I promised today I’m going to teach you about Home Parties. As we are going to rock and change the history of FLP this August, we must prepare ourselves before going to the battle. We have to train our mental muscle to toughen our skin for numerous rejections and failure for that is the first step to success. We can minimize casualties if we have the knowledge, and that what I’m going to impart with you today.

This knowledge is not from me, I just copy it from successful Leaders who already did and still doing it, for in FLP we are known as copy cats, but only copied successful people, and learn from the best.

I’m laying down our system for Home Parties so that everybody will follow its just like even though for example Jim is doing his own Home Party, his other downline say Allan is doing the same thing in different places at the same time, that is the power of leveraging. It can be compared to McDonalds, if you notice the place where they cook french fries its always at the same place regardless if you buy from any of their outlet in any part of the globe, that is what you called system.

Now here we go. I suggest that you copy and paste this tips and print it out then distribute it to all your downlines so that everybody will benefit from this.

Top 10 Reasons why doing Home Parties is the best and the fastest way for you to climb the ladder of promotion in our Marketing Plan.

1. It will increase and solidify your belief in the business.
2. You can earn immediate cash.
3. You can find Retail Customers in Home Party.
4. You can find Smart Buyer meaning Downline User.
5. Can make you qualify to become AS fast.
6. Spin off launches meaning you can book another Home Party in that time after doing it.
7. Create Case Credits
8. Create Immediate Activity
9. Training Ground for your new AS

After the home shopping that’s what they call it in Germany, if there is a flood of orders, it will jumpstart and motivate your newbies for instant money is the great I called it Activator not motivator.

Example last month there was an instances where me and my New Distributor did a Home Party at her villa, she has the money to buy the Combo Pack she is an Indian Lady but is still skeptical about the business. She wants to make sure if this business really works so she challenge me, that if I will be able to make a sale in that Home Party she will join immediately. Of course as a Batanguenia, it always makes us boils inside if somebody is challenging us plus my belief in our products and in myself is incomparable so I accept the challenge. That night, as I scan the audience I did not start with introducing the combo pack or the Aloe Gels, I immediately tackle the problem for everybody in the audience are mature ladies with very bad skin so immediately I open my Aloe Fleur de Juvence and give free facials to all the five ladies who are present that night, it was fun and hilarious because everybody still have mask in their faces I haven’t finish my explanation yet everybody is already giving their product order. So in the end my New Downline was so excited we did 2cc that night or more than AED 1000 in retail sales.

Preparing for the Home Party

1. Train yourself first –before doing or conducting Home Party yourself, you must be well verse with our products, or at least an avid user of our products so that you have the confidence to talk about it if you cannot do it, ask the help of your Upline, and while he is doing it at the appointed time, your job is to observe and learn. It maybe okay for first up to third time, but on the fourth Home Party you should be confident enough to do it on your own.
2. Set the date
3. Give the invitation ( see end below.)
4. How many did you invite or your downline invited for that day, get the guest lists and information number and call to confirm their attendance within 48 hours from the appointed time.

Preparations on the event

1. Dress appropriately, not necessary Armani suit, or Dolce but at least for a guy wear long sleeve and neck tie, try to imagine Ahsan what he looks like always during presentation, he is one of my downline who is the epitome of professionalism and class. For the ladies you know the works no need to explain.

Be early, come before your guests arrive so that, you may welcome them with your firm hand shake, of course the job of your downline if you are the one conducting the demo is to introduce you to everyone in the room. Set up the place make sure that TV, disk player is working, or at least bring your laptop, to play videos, such as Wellness Business Videos, Plant to Product, 25 years of FLP, or some world Rally clips from YouTube.

2. Set up your display if you are doing it on the living room (sala) set-up your Combo Pack, or Sonya Coulour Collection and the Skin Care if all the attendees are ladies. Make sure you have the following for demo purposes.
a) Aloe Vera Gel for Demo
b) Clear glass (2) and stirrer
c) Betadine
d) Styrofoam cups for Arctic-Sea Demo
e) Sometimes I do bring flask or Thermos for hot water so as not to ask for hot water when you need it for Arctic- Sea Demo
f) Arctic-Sea, Absorbent-C, Honey and Herbal Tea, FLND to taste (you can serve our tea, and FLND for beverages, not soft drink or Lipton tea, since we are not selling that)
g) If you are doing make-up and skin care demo, make sure you do bring cotton ball, cotton buds, sponge, wet wipes tissue, head band, towels, end paper for facial.
h) This is the most important; don’t forget to bring DAF (Distributor Application Form), Brochures, Manuals, testimonials pictures, leaflets, CD, your business card.

During the Product Launch

1. Begin on time
2. Lay out the agenda-explain why we are there - business / products
3. How long does the business/ product Launch take?
4. Tell your story, then do the demo
5. Host tells their story also and why they join the business.
6. Encourage interaction
7. Host makes notes
8. Host deals with late arrivals - should sit by door
9. No interruptions, (Drinks etc.)

If you are doing the Business Launch here is what to do.

1. Show Rolf Kipp or Kim Madsen Video, or anyone that is successful in FLP and already earning millions, we have to show the big picture. You can download it in YouTube. (10 minutes video)
2. Go through your info - get their attention, get to point!
3. Talk about the products at least the big 3? (Aloe Gel, Arctic Sea, Absorbent C)
4. Explain how they can save 30%-Show the Application Form (DAF)
5. Pass some products around to test
6. Put topical & daily care products on coffee table - (Playtime!)
7. Have lots of spoons for honey & glasses for aloe drinks - (Tasting time!)
8. Mingle, offer help, have some Application Forms ready
9. Ask for the order, point to Dist/order/price & Application Form – have a pile on table
10. Book two spin offs, 1 nutrition + 1 beauty/sonya
11. You can suggest 2 or 3 people club together
12. Build leaders / Assistant Supervisors
13. Book fast start training- assume interest
14. Decide venue – center or house
15. Everybody leaves with Video or DVD Rom & career brochure
16. Leave at 10.00pm (case to case basis)
17. You follow up with those people you hand over the videos / CD’s before fast start training

Okay that’s all folks, hope it will help you in building your career in FLP. Power! I love you all.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Visit Malaysia for Free!

Greetings to all my downlines in the Middle East. Today we just have our meetings. It was conducted by one of the pioneer in FLP Dubai Mr. Gilbert Datu he is also one of the President Club Member. Everybody was  anticipating of what are we going to talk about in the meeting. We started at 8pm and finish at 10Pm. Guys after the meeting everybody was so excited and even more crazy about FLP, wala na talagang tulugan! 

First we started to talk about the Profit Sharing. Our CC production was less last month compare to the production of April 2010, its due to the fact the our two great Leaders passed away (Lowell and Ashan R.I.P.) there is a very big Leadership vaccum in KSA and I urged everbody to step up and continue the legacy this two great leaders left behind. The FLP Middle East cc last month was 4,050 of which KSA made around 1,450cc Dubai made around 1600cc the rest is devided among Qatar and Kuwait and Abu Dhabi.

Next month is Ramadan, it always follows that during this time the sale will even more dipped because distributor tends be inactive during this holy month. But we will make a history we will raise the bar and create a new record, lets make this August the most explosive month of all times. Why? Its because August is the start of the Malaysian Rally Contest. Lets raise the bar and commit ourselves to reach not 5000cc but 10000cc for FLP Middle East.

The 1 million dollar question is " How are we going to do it?"  Okey here we go. Im very much sure that if you read this blog up to now you are very much interested to know how to qualify for the Free Tour to Malaysia good news is if you are married and you qualify your better half will go with you for FREE.

First ask yourself how many downlines you will bring with you in the Asian Rally. Be honest with yourself, if you decided to go alone, then for sure you will work for 95cc. But lets say if you commit to bring 10 people among your downlines from Supervisor and up that is 950cc in 4 months starting this August up to November 2010. Okey how many Manager downline do you have or how many Managers you want to create with in this 4 month period? If 10 Managers commit to bring 10 people each on the Rally that will be 9500cc devided by 4 month that will be 2,375cc per month on our group alone for example, now do you see where it will leads to.... we will hit The Profit Sharing Qualifying month!

Okey here is the Plan? Guys we must have a plan and Im counting on you to put this writing into action.

Tools needed to dig up the ground so to speak.

1. Drum up your Trainings. (there must be a consistent trainings in the office)
    Business Presentation
    Product Demonstration
    New Distribution Orientation
    I say we need this because we will bring more new blood in the business so to sustain our activities we must have the support of those trainings. Supervisor to Manager should step up and learn to conduct trainings as fast as you can.

2.  Triple your effort in Recruiting and Sponsoring . (Do goal setting with your group, how many AS you would like to create per week. Monitor your groups as well as your CC)

3. Home Parties - (Triple it those who dont know how to conduct Home Parties let me know I will email you the details or better watch my next blog I will post it here).

4. Goal Setting. (This is very important you and your group should have a goal map. Write down you goal for the day, week, month, then execute it).

5. Sizzle. ( Okey you may not be familiar with it, it may be synonimous to a sizzling steak, it only become appetizing if you see your steak serve on you from the kitchen to your table while it sizzle..hence its called Sizzing Steak.) How do you do Sizzle, in your group collaborate with other leader and designate a date maybe right after the OPP, invite successful leaders or distributors to share their momentous success so that the new ones who just came will be motivated to join immediately, stories should be amazing enough that newbies would not know what hit them, baliwan sa tagalog.

6. Technique sharing. ( Lets just work as a family or as a Team. Share your proven system irregardless if, they are from other group. Its just like united we stand devided we fall.)

7. Learn to Earn. ( When your downlines earn more then only you will earn more. So guys your success is my success. I have to make you successful for me to become successful. Lets all work hard and strive to live our dreams, so that as expats here in Middle East we can go back to our native land fulfilled and financially independent. Power!)

Watch the Power Clap of FLP Vietnam

Monday, July 26, 2010

Free Facial / Spa Parties for Ladies!

Ladies Start With A Party!

Be a host at one of our popular health event. Set a date! Mark an evening in your calendar when you and your friends want to relax after a day’s work and enjoy one of our health evenings. If you invite 6-10 people who like to have a good time, relax and listen to our preventive health program, you are welcome to contact us.

Party Plan

How does a fun filled, exciting career sound for you? Do you have a true PASSION for Skincare and Cosmetics? Imagine that you are now given the opportunity to work alongside beautiful products.

Can you imagine too that you can actually run YOUR own Business, deciding when YOU work and how much YOU earn? When you become a Hostess, you enter a world of exclusive rewards reserved only for Hostessess.

Do you want to relax and spoil yourself?

All our evenings has its own theme, such as body care, healthcare through nutritional supplements etc. The common thing about our wellness evenings are that you should have a nice time and feel pampered.

Schedules for FREE Facial Massage Demo

This whole month of August

Monday - Sat
10:00 Am to 2:00 Pm
5:00 Pm - 10:00 Pm

Please call 050 6781364  for booking
or sms your name, tel. no. address, and desired time and date for facial demo

DIY Facial Massage Anti- Wrinkle Treatment using FLP Products.

Anti- Wrinkle Treatment (once or a week for 3 weeks)

1. Cleanse with Exfoliating Cleanser, massage and rinse off.

2. Wash with Aloe Liquid Soap, massage and rinse off.

3. Apply Aloe Scrub, massage and rinse.

4. Apply facial mask: First coating of Ave Gelly then next coating of R3 Factor, then Ave Gelly.

5. Put end paper and then put Aloe Activator on top of the paper to make it stickier, wait for 30 min. Wait for 30 min. Avoid talking, laughing or moving facial muscle.

6. Apply Rehydrating Toner with Cotton

7. Apply: R3 Factor as day and night moisturizer for 21 days.

8. Continue basic skin care on 22nd day.

For Product Information Click Here

DIY Facial Massage for Normal/ Dry/ Combination Skin Type using FLP Products.

Normal Facial (For all skin types) Removal of whiteheads and black heads

1. Remove Eye make up with Aloe Eye Make-up Remover (Optional)

2. Cleanse with Exfoliating Cleanser, massage then rinse off with water using sponge.

3. Wash face with Aloe Liquid Soap, massage, then rinse off

4. Apply Aloe Scrub, massage and rinse.

5. Apply mask mixture- Facial Mask Powder 1 tsp. + Aloe Activator 1 ½ tsp. mix well and apply on the face, using the brush, put end paper. Wait for 30 min. Avoid talking, laughing or moving facial muscle.

6. Remove the mask and rinse.

7. Apply Rehydrating Toner with Cotton

8. Apply Firming Foundation Lotion- day time or Recovering Night cream – night time

9. Continue basic Skin Care (Sonya skin Care Collection)

for more information about the products click here

Saturday, July 17, 2010

FLP Product Fair ended with a Bang!

Yesterday we just concluded our much awaited product fair, I must say a big congratulations to the flp staff and to our fellow distributor for the success of this event. It was different from the other product fair that we have before for example, we have a huge turn over, trainings are not long and boring, it is more educational meaningful and short, we have additonal contest such as the aloe drinks contest. Being one of the judges, I enjoy tasting different mocktails made by the distributors who was so passionate mixing their aloe drinks.

I must say guys it was an Aloe War, yeah everybody is rooting for their group representative, in the end the one who wins is called "Kaloka" nakakaloka talaga ang taste. Its a mixture of blended kangkong, spinach, aloe vera gel, honey and apple. It was so amazing because when you taste it, it does not have even a hint of the vegetables taste. Surprising, even kids will love it.

We also watch a short movie clip about our heart, it gives you the creeps to see what is happening inside your heart if there is a hardened plaque on your arterial walls (yaaay) it makes you reach immediately to gulp capsules upon capsules of Arctic Sea Fish Oil. Its so mind blowing that just a tiny blocked arteries can lead to death. In the end the moral of the story is that its not our destination to death but our journey to death.

Your journey to golden age can be healthy by changing your eating habits, go green guys not the color but eats more vegetable and fruits, if you can do eating raw food that is much better. Then get enough sleep and exercise. Below our some of the pictures I have taken during the product fair.

Ladies of the Booth

Make-up Booth with Ms. Sonya Middle East

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Essential Elements of Aloe Vera and Their Basic Properties

Cleansing Properties:

1. Saponins- Natural chemical in the plants that make it a natural emulsifier (makes possible the mixture of liquid and fats). They detoxify the fatty deposits inside our body. The word “Sapo” means soap in Latin.

2. Lignins- Polysaccharides which make/give Aloe Vera its deep penetrating action.

3. Polysaccharides - Division of Polysaccharides

(a) Starches- digestible (such as you get from flour, rice banana) energy givers also.
(b) Cellulose- non-digestible (fibers, pulp bits)

Nutritional Properties:

1. Vitamins- These are carbon-containing substances, which are required for normal metabolism but are not synthesized by the body and must be abstained from outside sources except Vitamins D and B12 which are synthesized by bacterial flora in the intestinal walls. Vitamins help in the organs and the systems carry out their functions. A, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C, E, folic acid. Aloe Vera Gel is good for vegetarian people because of B12 content that you normally get from eating seafood, dairy products, and red meat.

2. Minerals- Calcium, Chromium, Copper, Iodine, Iron, Potassium, Zinc, Magnesium, Manganese, Aluminum, Chloride, Sodium, Cobalt. These are non-organic elements, which are required for the satisfaction of metabolic needs especially during growth, stress, trauma, and blood loss and in some diseases. They help create the environment where vitamins are able to do those jobs. Both are necessary and one cannot function without the other.

3. Amino Acids- These are organic compounds, which are the building blocks of proteins. They play an essential role in animal metabolisms, including humans. A change in position of even one amino acid causes the protein to be non-functional. This gives a bitter taste. Our body needs 20 amino acids, 8 are essential and 12 are secondary. Aloe Barbadensis Miller has 8 essential amino acids, 7 of which are directly linked to cell growth and 11 of the 14-16 secondary essential ones.

4. Monosaccharide- These are simple sugars, which are excellent sources of energy such as honey and glucose

Therapeutic Properties:

1. Enzymes- These are protein molecules, which serve to accelerate or catalysts the chemical reactions of living cells. Without enzymes most biochemical reactions would proceed too slowly to effectively carry on life’s processes.

2. Anthraquinone complex- this gives the Aloe Barbadensis Miller the following actions:

a) Analgesic
b) Antipyretic
c) Anti-inflammatory
d) Anti-Allergic
e) Anti-pruritic
f) Anti-parasitic
g) Anti-spasmodic
h) Antibiotic
i) Anti-microbial-has been proven to stop the destructive action of many bacteria.
j) Anti-viral- fights viruses when used in greater than 75% concentrate and applied directly of the virus.
k) Anti-fungal-acts as fungicidal when applied directly to the fungus

3. Mannose- A simple sugar used in cancer treatment because simple sugars are used in cell to cell communication. It also performs the tagging function.

4. Mucopolysaccharides- Sugars, which are source of energy and are important in the prevention of keloid formation and hemorrhoids.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

How to get started in FLP?

1. You must be at least 21 years old (UAE Law), must have a sponsor the one who introduce in the business. Must have a good learning attitude and big dreams.

2. If you wish to get the products at Whole Sale Price, and you Only want to earn 30% then just do one thing quickly. Sign-up and complete the Distributor Application Form (DAF). Provide a photocopy of your Passport, Pataka or Driving License.

3. Now if you want to SERIOUSLY do the business and give yourself to make a difference MAKE A MAJOR DECISION TODAY. You have options:

a) Change your brand, start using the products and share the benefits of the products. Minimum purchase in the counter is AED 200.00. Every product has corresponding points or Case Credits. Build you 2cc within two months or earlier.

b) Invest in the Business Box. Use the products be a products of the products. Invite prospects and begin to build your business empire through Network Marketing.

4. You must attend trainings, learn while you earn.

What is waiting for you if you join Forever Living Products?

In Forever Living you will earn unlimited income potential depending on your efforts, royalty income, car incentives, US travel, and profit sharing. Click HERE for a mind boggling business testimonials.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Top 10 Facts about Aloe Vera from Forever Living Products

1. Aloe Vera has been used for thousands of years as a safe, natural herbal remedy. It is not new, and has a massive weight of historical and scientific evidence to testify to its efficacy. It can be used safely either externally on the skin or hair, or taken internally as a drink.

2. The thick, clear gel inside the leaf contains over 75 different key nutritional compounds which are either required or beneficial, including:


Vitamins (including B12)

Amino Acids

Enzymes and more

3. There are no known side effects or contra-indications; and no adverse drug reactions. It is safe for all ages - from infants to the elderly.

4. Aloe Vera has many different benefits because of the number of nutrients that it contains. The benefits come from a synergy between the different nutrients, rather than as a consequence of one 'magic' ingredient.

5. Aloe Vera works with the body, simply providing excellent nutrition so that the body can take care of itself. We have a 60-day unconditional money back guarantee - so that you can give our products a fair chance.

6. It is moisturizing for the skin, penetrating right down into its deepest layers.

7. Aloe naturally modulates the immune system thus helping the body to defend itself.

8. Our Aloe Vera is pure, organic and not tested on animals. We have the Kosher Rating, the Islamic Seal of Approval, the International Aloe Science Council Seal of Approval, and the BUAV mark. There are no Genetically Modified ingredients in our product range.

9. FLP Aloe Vera is naturally stabilized using fruit and vegetable sources, rather than preserved chemically. Tested by independent laboratories even 5 years after stabilization, our Aloe is still essentially identical to freshly harvested Aloe.

10. FLP is the world's largest grower, manufacturer and distributor of Aloe Vera and Aloe Vera based products. We use Stabilized Aloe Vera as the primary ingredient in all of our products, far more than other companies, which lead to increased benefits.

Different Uses of Aloe Vera..

Aloe Vera can be used externally or internally.

Internal Use

Burns- it is probably where Aloe Vera has shown its pectacular results. It has the ability to regenerate irridiated tissues which has made its reputation as a miracle plant .

Liver Infections- The gel of Aloe Vera when drunk acts a remedy against liver infections. It improves the liver functions and is an excellent antidote in case of excessive ingestion of alcohol. Best recommended for prevention cirrhosis of the liver.

Stomach and Intestines- the pulp of Aloe Vera is good for the prevention of stomach ulcers, facilitates digestion and intestinal transit.

Arhtritis,Rheumatism, Back Pain- Baths of Aloe alliviate the pains of arthritis, and rheumatism. Certain therapists recommended light massage of the painful area with the gel or salve of Aloe Vera.

External Use

Dermatology – Aloe Vera is used widely in dermatology. It is effective in the treatment of seborrhea,herpes, red spots, psoriaris, eczema, mycosis, and fever blisters.

Allergies – It is proven that the pulp of Aloe Vera relieves itching due to allergies and insect bites, as well as aiding in the healing in both man and animals.

Hygiene and Cosmetics- today the cosmetics industry is second largest in the world behind the food production industry. The products offered cover a wide range; lotions and creams of all kinds, shampoos, deodorants, toothpaste, hairsprays, soaps, bubble baths, eye washes, powders, lipsticks, astringent, cleansers, emollients, moisturizers, beauty masks, and many many more.

In just a few decades, aloe already reputed for its medicinal properties, and has become widely used in cosmetics. Aloe Vera contains many active compounds, including numerous active vitamins and minerals, and is known as an astringents, moisturizers and clenasers. It softent the skin, diminishes wrinkles and cures acne, red spots and many skin irritations. It protects the skin against skin irritation. It protect the skin against pollution and is ideal for the treatment of sunburn.

Reference: Good Health the Aloe Way- Forever Living Products (India)

Tired Achy Feet! No Worries DIY Foot Spa!

Release tension and rejuvenate tired achy feet with the stimulation and relaxation of professional massage and foot spa therapy. Soften dry skin and maintain hydration to keep feet soft and refresh. Enjoy complete professional therapeutic comfort in your salon, home or office.

Foot Stuff

Aloe Bath Gelee-

An invigorating all over and foot cleanser with 100% stabilized Aloe Vera Gel and natural herbal ingredients. Soak your foot and pamper it with fresh, clean fragrance that also helps relax your mind. Can also use a shower gel for unbelievably soft and smooth skin.
Aloe Scrub

The soothing and moisturizing power of 100% Stabilized Aloe Vera plus Jojoba and deep cleansing properties of scrub! Round spheres of jojoba work gently to deep cleanse and exfoliate your skin, without being irritating or harsh. Remove dead skin cells, and calluses.

Forever Marine Mask

Provides deep cleansing while balancing the skin texture with sea minerals from natural sources such as kelp, and algae plus the super moisturizing and conditioning properties of Aloe Vera, honey, and cucumber extract. This easy to apply deep penetrating mask will leave your foot feeling revitalized and refreshed.

Aloe Heat Lotion

Penetrating, soothing, Stabilized Aloe Vera Gel learns up with warming herbal agents to provide blissful relief from the strains and pains of the day. Great for tired aching muscles and feet after a day’s hard work, or even as a relaxing massage lotion. So remember the 3R, Rub in Aloe Heat, Relax, and Rest.

Aloe Moisturizing Lotion

Contains 100% Stabilized Aloe Vera, allantoin, apricot, kernel oil, and jojoba oil (four well-known humectants and moisturizing ingredients) plus elastin and soluble collagen, to keep your skin soft and smooth. Lightly fragranced, perfect for use on hands, feet, even to wear under make-up. Sooth dry, chapped skin.

Aloe MSM Gel

MSM stands for Methylsulphonyl Methane, organic sulphur found in almost living organisms. Sulphur is the third most abundant substance in our body. Use on your skin to give your complexion a boost. It also removes metal toxins off your foot.