Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Aloe Vera for Burns, Wounds and Sunburn


Burns are serious, and those beyond first degree need medical attention. Aloe Vera can be excellent first-aid treatment. Due to its chemical composition, Aloe Vera gel penetrates the skin and becomes quickly absorbed, so that it is not in the way of any later medical treatment.

Aloe First® is an excellent first-aid treatment for minor burns, scrapes, cuts and sunburns. Aloe Gel could also be used for this purpose. Ointments are particularly designed for continuous treatment of burns because they have lubricant added to off-set the astringent aspects of aloe juice.

Chemical burns should be thoroughly washed before any treatment.

The University Of Chicago Burn Center (Dr Heggers, Davis and colleagues) demonstrated, in 1979, the ability of Aloe Vera to stop injuries due to burns. People have used Aloe gel for thousands of years as a soothing agent by continually wetting the wound with the juice or gel.

Cuts and Wounds

Aloe Vera was famous for healing wounds even before the days of Alexander the Great. Aloe Vera contains a growth-promoting factor which speeds up the wound healing process.

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