Thursday, February 17, 2011

Forever Freedom-(Dhs. 92.00) (33.8 Oz.)

A breakthrough formula that combines the complete range of nutrients on the market today, that is essential for the maintenance of a healthy joint function and mobility.

Perfect formula of rich nutrients of our stabilized Aloe Vera Gel with glucosamine sulphate and choindroitin sulphate, two naturally occurring naturally occurring substances in our body that have been proven to help maintain healthy joint function and mobility. These two natural agents which occur in the body work to maintain healthy cartilage by keeping it nourished. The major role of glucosamine is to maintain the fluid in the cartilage while choindroitin’s main function is to draw the fluid and nutrients inside the cartilage. To complete this exceptional formula, Forever Living Products added MSM, an anti-inflammatory agent and the primary source of bio-available sulphur that the body needs to maintain healthy connective tissue and joint function along with Vitamin C, critical for collagen production and ongoing maintenance of healthy cartilage.

If you have joint injury and related degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, this orange flavored Aloe Vera drink will put you back on your feet.


We do not claim to be experts of medical science; therefore, if you are experiencing any medical conditions you should consult your doctor about specific treatment.

On this site, we merely suggest natural alternatives that we believe might be of help, based on our own experiences and that of other’s. Since we only had and continue to have positive experiences with the products we use and promote we have no reason to doubt their ability to deliver good result.

Nevertheless, because your application of the products is beyond our control, we cannot and will not make any guaranties and/or warranties, nor will we accept any liability claims regarding your actual results and experiences with the products you use

Aloe Berry Nectar-(Dhs. 84.50) (33.8 Oz.)

 It has the same uses of Aloe Vera Gel only that it is fortified with apple juice, cranberry juice and bee propolis natural antibiotic from the bee. This is good for kidney cleansing and has a very high content of pectin. Good for children because of the sweet taste, not recommended with Diabetic person because of the sweet flavor.

It contains all the vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes found in Aloe Vera Gel plus the added benefits of the apple, bee propolis, and cranberry which aid in the relief of urinary tract infection. It has bio-flavonoids or anthocyanoids. It is a strong anti-oxidant, strong anti-inflammatory. Prevents blood clots or normalizes capillary permeable.

This should not be taken using metal spoon as its medicinal property reacts with chromium plating. Use only with glass or plastic.

-Cranberry is high in Vitamin C content which was used by early American sailors to prevent SCURVY and by the North American Indians for cleansing, especially the Kidneys.

-Apple juice is very rich in Vitamin A& C and Potassium and Pectin.

-These can be taken like Aloe Vera Gel or as refreshments during the day or evening or it depends upon necessary requirement with regards to your health problems.

-The therapeutic advantages and healing properties of Aloe Vera had been known for more than 4,000 years.

-As early as 333 BC, the Greeks already identified the Aloe Vera as a medicinal herb. The Chinese considered the plant sacred. In the Philippines, it is mixed with milk for dysentery and kidney infections.

- Rapid advancements in medical science in the west however, had pushed the use of natural medicine on the side.

- The terrible side effects to the patients and their next generations due to long term chemical stimulation however, despite the efficacy of chemical medicine brought about the renewed interest on medical herbs. Hence in 1978, Forever Living Products led the way for the world to rediscover the great benefits of Aloe Vera.

- In 1981, the National Aloe Science Council was formed to set the standards to protect the Aloe Vera industry against unfair competition and unnecessary regulations.

- In 1982, twenty five (25) companies joined the council and in 1986 the FLP’s Aloe Vera juice, Gel, and Nectar was the first to be given the authorization to display the Seal of Approval for having met or exceeded the NASC’s high standards.

- The K sign on the bottom of our Aloe Vera Gel and Juice bottles is a symbol of Kosher rating given to products that met very rigid standards of purity and quality. A rabbi representing a certified laboratory must inspect the plant operation, formula, processing steps and the ingredients.


We do not claim to be experts of medical science; therefore, if you are experiencing any medical conditions you should consult your doctor about specific treatment.

On this site, we merely suggest natural alternatives that we believe might be of help, based on our own experiences and that of other’s. Since we only had and continue to have positive experiences with the products we use and promote we have no reason to doubt their ability to deliver good result.

Nevertheless, because your application of the products is beyond our control, we cannot and will not make any guaranties and/or warranties, nor will we accept any liability claims regarding your actual results and experiences with the products you use.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Aloe Vera Gel- (Dhs. 84.50) (33.8 Oz.)

These products help balance our metabolism, thereby increase stool motility. These are very excellent cleansing supplements because of saponin and improve the absorption of the nutrients from our food intake because of the lignin, the enzymes, and the amino acids. People who don’t remove their waste regularly has bad breath, sweats is sticky and smells bad, stomach is big, always suffers from headache, or other wise has piles or hemorrhoid. A healthy juice drink that offers all of the nutritional benefits of Aloe Vera. The main benefit that we get from Aloe Vera Juice is the cleansing and detoxification of our internal system. Other beneficial effects are as follows:
  1. Gastro-Intestinal: ulcer, constipation, indigestion, colic pain, diarrhea, colitis, early stage of cancer, prevents appendicitis, de-worm, dissolves bile stones.
  2. Cardio-vascular: taken with Arctic Sea Fish Oil can lowers blood pressure, lowers bad cholesterol. Rejuvenates venous and arterial elasticity, prevents thrombosis, and prevents stroke and heart attack.
  3. Liver- liver cirrhosis, liver flukes, hepatitis, aids in detoxification
  4. Pancreas- aids in insulin production, regulates blood sugar level
  5. Prostrate- controls urination, prevents prostrate cancer.
  6. Lymphatic system- assists in lymphatic drainage of toxin in the body
  7. Cells- assist in removal of toxic by products of cells. Helps cellular communication between cells.
  8. Immune System- boasts immune system response to invading toxins
  9. Hormonal Regulations- normalize hormone secretion
Aloe Vera gel also help people with this asthma, rheumatism, ulcer, hypertension, diabetes, eczema, hemorrhoids, constipation, UTI (Urinary Tract Infection), dysmenorrhea, difficulty in breathing, bloating, sinusitis, anemic, pneumonia, arteriosclerosis, high uric acid, hypertension, high blood pressure, gall bladder stone, hepatitis B, migraine, psoriasis, colitis, allergies, acne and pimple, irregular menstruation, menopausal and prostate problems, cyst, mayoma, eczema, lupus, cancer, leukemia. Provide nutrients that were lost when you undergo chemotherapy or cobalt. It stimulates cell growth 6 to 8 times the normal rate. It has no known side effects.

The pure juice of Aloe Vera contains minerals, Vit B12, amino acid, which makes the cell in our body stronger. It taste like grape fruit juice, best to be taken pure if the taste cannot be tolerated it can be mix with your fresh fruit juice. This has Saponin content that cleanses the intestine, and other parts of the body. It removes toxins, and cholesterol in our body. It has lignin properties, which is the deep penetrating agent that penetrates deeper up to the bone marrow.

In summary Aloe Vera Gel-

a) Increases the elimination of toxins in the body

b) Improves assimilation

c) Improves nutrition

d) Increases cell regeneration

e) Increases energy level

 It has a shelve life of five years, if sealed. Store it in cool dry place, upon opening put it inside the fridge, shake well before use.

We do not claim to be experts of medical science; therefore, if you are experiencing any medical conditions you should consult your doctor about specific treatment.

On this site, we merely suggest natural alternatives that we believe might be of help, based on our own experiences and that of other’s. Since we only had and continue to have positive experiences with the products we use and promote we have no reason to doubt their ability to deliver good res

Nevertheless, because your application of the products is beyond our control, we cannot and will not make any guaranties and/or warranties, nor will we accept any liability claims regarding your actual results and experiences with the products you use.

Aloe Vera Internal Health Benefits

Aloe vera has always been considered the “Wonder Plant” through history, due to it’s external healing abilities, but it is also a wonderful herbal alternative for internal health as well.

Due to it’s anti-inflammatory traits, as well as increasing the ability to absorb nutrients in the digestive system, aloe vera has been used through time to greatly relieve constipation and IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), help with heartburn and soothe peptic ulcers. Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis treatment is also a possibility with use of aloe vera.

Aloe vera has also been used to strengthen and improve the immune system because of the essential vitamins, minerals and enzymes it contains, as well as restoring vital amino acids your body needs.

It has been said to help reduce blood sugar levels in diabetes, with claims of a 45% reduction.

It has also been claimed that aloe vera can repair elastin and collagen in the skin and joints.

There’s been a wide variety of potential internal use of aloe vera to help with ailments and diseases ranging from arthritis, to dental problems, on down to cancer, but aloe vera is mostly recognized and used for it’s internal benefits to both the digestive and immune system.

If you are considering using aloe vera as an alternative to potentially harsh medicines, you should take caution when using it straight from a plant, and always consult a physician, especially if you are pregnant or considering the alternative for a child or pet. There are different processes for aloe vera and it’s very likely you will not benefit at all if using improper extracting methods for internal use. I strongly advise against it since ingesting improperly will cause various problems like diarrhea, and worse.

There are aloe vera juices on the market, but most cannot tolerate the taste at all, or the juices are watered down, which greatly reduces the benefits as well. My suggestion would be to use an aloe vera natural whole herb supplement that you can easily swallow if the aloe vera juice isn’t pleasing to your tastebuds.

Here’s to your health!

Aloe Vera Gel 100% Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe Vera Basic Uses for Beauty

Aloe vera has a wide range of uses to keep your skin looking beautiful and healthy!

Here’s just a few quick basic uses:

  • For a soft, fresh glow, apply aloe gel directly to your face after cleansing in the morning and before bed. Where other products usually fail, aloe gel will work quickly to help clear blemishes, giving you that wonderful fresh glow!
  • If you have problems with acne, using aloe vera will help since it removes dead cells and opens your pores to discard blocked oils.
  • You can also apply aloe vera to any scarring left by acne.
    Some women have tried aloe on their eyelashes to achieve thicker and longer eyelashes. A very tiny amount of aloe vera gel applied to eyelashes at night before bed is suggested.
  • Apply aloe gel to razor burns and let dry to help soothe and disappear.
  • Applying aloe gel to healed wounds will help reduce scarring, or keep from scarring at all.
  • If you’ve dandruff problems, you can apply aloe vera to your scalp (best if wet) and leave on for 15 minutes before washing your hair. Doing this regularly before each shampoo will help keep the dandruff to a very minimum.

Aloe Vera for Your Mouth and Lips

On the health and first aid side of aloe vera for your mouth:

Are you plagued by persistent mouth ulcers? Well another one-up for aloe vera gel, as research has been showing, it is effective for helping to ease the painful stinging and burning associated with mouth ulcers, as well as the ulcers themselves. Aloe vera has been used as an herbal remedy for mouth ulcers and easing the pain of those that suffer from it for quite some time, but some backup with a study is welcomed news!

For some relief and to speed up healing of mouth ulcers, try aloe vera juice extract as a mouthwash three times a day.And on the beauty side of aloe vera for your mouth, is a great moisturizing, homemade recipe for lip gloss!

Ingredients you’ll need:

2 tsp petroleum jelly

2 tsp aloe vera gelly

8 drops of your favorite flavored oil (coconut, mint, etc)

Mix all indredients well in a small microwave safe bowl, and heat for 1 1/2 – 2 minutes in the microwave. Remove bowl and stir again, then pour into a small container with a lid. Let it cool completely before using.

Note that this is lip gloss, and not a lip balm. If your lips are chapped, use some olive oil to help those lips first, as it works very well on chapped lips. Petroleum jelly is not the best to use, and this recipe does have it.

Posted in Aloe Vera Beauty Tips, Aloe Vera for Health

FLP Diamond Managers! Who are you?

Shaun Chang (Double Diamond Manager )
Christina and Robert Chalaupka (Diamond Managers )
Jorge and Andrea Wittke (Diamond Managers )
Fujiwara Makoto (Diamond Manager )
Chai Sai Kow (Diamond Manager )
Chong Ping Onn and Yin Yit Fun (Diamond Managers )
Russell and Jennifer Hiao (Diamond Managers )
Jach Chen and Tina Hsiao (Diamond Managers )
Kuo-Wen and Ana (Diamond Managers )
Margarita Lopez (Diamond Managers)
   Put your name here…} (Diamond Managers ) Join Forever Living Products!!!

To be a part of one of the most successful multi-level marketing company (MLM), Forever Living Products, gives an opportunity to earn residual income that can pay for you and your family. Being a Forever Living Products Distributor already gives you an edge over the distributors of other MLM companies. It's because the company you're affiliate with already has stable footing in the marketing business and has successfully been able to maintain that footing for more than thirty years now.

There are already dozens of MLM companies in the market, and Forever Living Products has seen many of them come and go. With more than three decades of existence, this company has already earned an admirable reputation over others of its kind, new or old, big or small.

As of today, Forever Living Products does business and collects revenues from more than 140 countries and has an estimated number of 9 million distributors of various nationalities, cultures, languages, and races.

The Diamond Manager is officially the highest position that a distributor can be promoted to. However, some countries have already produced Double Diamond Managers and even a Triple Diamond Manager in their ranks! These people were able to double and triple the minimum requirements to become a Diamond Manager and they are the top Forever Living Products Distributors in record.

So the question, how to become a top Forever Living Products distributor comes into mind. Well, there are certain ways around that. Although these tips can help in your marketing career, they are not magic spells that work at the flick of a wand.

Exploit your resources. Forever Living Products gives trainings and seminars to their distributors. The company offers everything you need to get started. You need them, so use them. There are also local meetings and monthly messages. Make use of them. Exploit them. To further your skills and potential as a top marketer, never be satisfied with the knowledge you have now because it is always not enough. Read books, magazines, articles, and other sources of information, because in order to grow, you need to constantly be a student. This means you should always be open to new information and skills. Let's face it. In the world we're living in, knowledge is power.

Go with the flow. The marketing industry today is now using the internet as a major player in business growth. It allows you to gather leads without having to knock on doors, dial your phone, distribute brochures, or post advertisements. The internet provides a great helping hand in selling yourself and your products. It puts you right in front of the people that need your products. But remember, this is just another tool in marketing, not the sole tool.

Build your downline. In order to become a Diamond Manager in Forever Living Products, you'll need to at least have 25 of your people in the Managerial seats. So that means you'll need to have more than a few hundred people in your downline. Concentrate in this because in MLM the more people you have, the bigger your money is.

If you need help accomplishing these, you can get a mentor-someone who is authentically successful in the marketing business.

Clearly, you can be successful as a Forever Living Products distributor. You are no different than anyone else. You have the same opportunity as anyone else.

By aligning yourself with a company built with integrity and aligning yourself with the right training and mentorship that will guide you, and show you step-by-step how to market your products and business, you have every opportunity to be successful.
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