Sunday, August 8, 2010

Highest Quality Skin Protection Available Now!

We all understand these days that the sun can harm us. Sun burn increases the risk of skin cancer significantly. Malignant Melanomas account for just under 10% of cancers in the 20 - 39 age group!

Thanks to Forever Aloe Sunscreen Lotion with Aloe, it's never been easier to enjoy the outdoors while taking good care of yourself and your loved ones at the same time! Aloe Sunscreen helps protect your skin against sunburn and the harmful effects of the sun's UVA/UVB rays with a unique and effective SPF 30 sunblock, specially formulated with 100% stabilized Aloe Vera Gel. The Aloe Vera gel helps to minimize the drying effects of sun exposure and 'wind burn'

You'll appreciate this gentle yet potent water-proof formulation that even retains its sun protection factor after 40 minutes of activity in the water! Remember that there is no such thing as a "healthy" tan, a tan indicates that your skin is already damaged! Look at Forever Sunless Tanning Lotion as an alternative way to get that "bronzed" look without toasting your skin.

Apply liberally to all exposed areas about 15-30 minutes before going into the sun. Remember that periodic re-application will be needed. Avoid exposing your skin unnecessarily to strong sun.

For Product Order and Delivery (UAE)
Call Merli Villamor +971 50 6781364
Independent Distributor ID No. 971 000001253

Refresh your skin with Forever Aloe Scrub!

Give your skin a refreshing, new look and feel with Forever Aloe Scrub, one that is so badly deserves!

Out with the old and in with the new. “More than skin deep”. With its unique combination of stabilized aloe vera gel, and solid microspheres made from pure Jojoba Oil, this effective skin cleanser, is gentle enough for everyday used and strong enough to clear away the debris that accumulates in the delicate pores of the skin. In combination, these two natural ingredients will clear the way for your skin’s own unique renewal process, while helping to protect it from the drying and damaging effects of synthetic cleansers.

Forever Aloe Scrub gently scrubs away dead skin cells and debris that clog pores and dull the skin’s appearance, to begin revealing radiant, “new”, healthier skin. This natural exfoliator for the face and body is gentle enough for everyday use!

For product order call Merli Villamor +971 50 678164.
Independent Distributor ID No. 971 000 001253


Monday, August 2, 2010

Freedom From Fear....


Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves,
Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.

There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.

~By Marianne Williamson from A Return To Love

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Hair Today...... Gone Tomorrow

Hair loss

Hair loss is a very common aesthetic issue in our society, as it is a big part of personal appearance. Shedding 50 to 100 hairs a day is considered normal. Anything beyond that is considered hair loss.

Abnormal hair loss can be due to many different causes, which include the use of inappropriate hair care products, stress, malnutrition, and hormonal issues.


Dandruff is commonly misperceived as occurring due to lack of personal hygiene. The fact is the scorching heat of the sunny weather in Middle East contributes to the occurrence of dandruff. The main culprit for most dandruff is yeast from Malassezia family. They stay on the scalp, surviving on the oil secreted by glands. They usually do not affect any body function, but if the yeast multiplies and thrives, their acidic metabolic, waste will accumulate and irritate the scalp. The scalp gets inflamed and skin tissue starts to peel off.

Nutrients for the hair

Proteins are the building block of hair shafts and contribute to hair growth. A sufficient intake of protein in the form of combination of all the needed amino acids is highly recommended. Hair growth involves rapid division of cells, and this requires efficient energy production, which B group vitamins are more helpful for. For hair to be healthy and appear lively and shiny, mineral such as zinc, iodine, magnesium, and selenium are essential.

Forever supplement that are helpful for healthy hair growth are Forever Lite (FLND), Forever Ultra, Bee Pollen, Forever Nature-Min.

Aloe Vera shampoo and conditioner for the hair

Forever Aloe Jojoba Shampoo is a mild cleansing shampoo. Its special formulation incorporates FLP’s 100% Stabilized Aloe Vera (not water) as its first and major ingredient.

• Aloe Enzyme helps to breakdown keratin cells, and saponins create bubbles for a thorough cleansing.
• Aloe amino acid helps to strengthen the hair structure.
• Aloe’s anthraquinone complex has anti-microbial properties that can help to suppress growth of the Malassezia yeast.

Jojoba oil is added in the formulation to moisture and strengthens the hair shaft. This makes Forever Living Product Aloe Vera Shampoo a premium shampoo that is highly concentrated, pH balanced, deep cleansing and moisturizing. And it’s suitable for all types of hair.

Forever Aloe Jojoba Conditioning Rinse is specially formulated to reduce static charge on the hair and create a smooth and nice coating on the hair surface. The conditioning rinse is pH balanced, and mild. Using it after Forever Jojoba Shampoo, it helps to strengthen the hair structure and reduce split ends.

Other products that I could recommend for you to try is the Aloe Activator, it is an extract from Aloe Vera leaves, which are good to use as a tonic for the scalp. Aloe Vera Gelly a gel extract in a tube to apply in your scalp overnight. Aloe First, you can use it as a hair spray to protect your hair from the sun, and to avoid split ends.

Hair Growth Kit (Kalbo Kit)


1. Apply Aloe Vera Gelly at night on the scalp massage it for at least 10 to 15 minutes

2. In the morning wash the hair with Forever Aloe Jojoba Shampoo, massage it on the scalp for 5 to 10 minutes, leave it on for some time then rinse it with lukewarm water. Apply Aloe Conditioning Rinse, then rinse again.

3. Towels dry the hair, and then apply Aloe Activator either with cotton or direct on the scalp as hair tonic and comb the hair.

4. Take, Forever Nature-Min 6 tablets daily (2-2-2) after meal, Bee Pollen 3x a day and FLND shakes once daily.

Please note that this product is not sold in stores for UAE you can contact me at +971 050 6781364  for free information and product demo or home delivery. Outside UAE visit for our online store. Merlita Villamor ID No. is 971000001253.